About me

If you’re looking for a knitaholic-in-the-know to follow, then…

My name’s Cara and I’m a total fashion addict. Obsessed is not the word. Well, actually it is…

I started knitting as a child after my mum taught me, but then life got in the way so I stopped for a long time before picking it up again a couple of years ago. It’s a real passion of mine now and I love the sense of achievement when completing a project. You really start to appreciate the sheer amount of work that goes into creating knitwear, which is why I’ve created this blog; in order to document my favourite styles.

I was also becoming more and more conscious of my ‘fashion footprint’ – where I bought items from, how they are made, and so on. So I decided what better way to eliminate the issue than by making my own garments and accessories? Or why not source them from sustainable places like charity shops, vintage markets and eco-friendly stores?

Moss and Purl is dedicated to lovers of knitwear. Here I will be documenting my favourite pieces, current knitwear trends, reviews of well-established knitwear brands, designers and even tips and advice on creating garments yourself.

Based in the heart of East London, I’ll also be documenting my trips to local markets and yarn shops.

Please feel free to leave comments below if you have enjoyed your visit! For more information on how to get in touch with me, click here.


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